Saturday, July 27, 2013

Super Cyclone (2012)
 "Super Cyclone" is another Sci-Fi disaster flick that I recently watched on Netflix streaming. It is about an oil rig that digs deep down into the Earth's crust. They stumble upon lava, which bubbles up, warming the Pacific Ocean, rapidly. The warming of the ocean makes the atmosphere unstable. The instability creates a super cyclone. the super cyclone does massive damage to the oil rig, and also threatens a vessel nearby. When the wind and waves become too much for the vessel to handle, men fall into the boiling ocean.

Meanwhile, researchers from NOAA, and Meteorologists continue to monitor the situation. They notice that the super cyclone is headed straight toward the coast of southern California. The leading edge of the storm rolls on shore, creating tornadoes, hail, heavy rain, and fire hail. Researchers race against time, figuring out a way to weaken this cyclone. With a few detours along the way, can these researchers save the west coast in time, before the storm destroys it completely?

My Two Cents:
I had seen this movie a few months ago, but, it was one of those viewings where I was not paying attention, and eventually fell asleep. Today, I decided to take a closer look at the film, so I could review it for you all. 
First off, the acting was much better than in "Age of Dinosaurs." However, when it came to a dramatic scene, the acting was a little over the top. The special effects were satisfactory. You could tell that this was a low-budget B movie. The camera movements bothered me, especially towards the end of the movie. The way the camera was moving made me a little dizzy.

The story was a bit far fetched, but, what Sci-Fi disaster flick isn't? While the main characters did an okay job acting, the secondary characters were awful. At times, certain scenes were just long and draining. 

The word that comes to mind, when I think about this film, is, "blah." You could watch it, and not completely hate yourself for wasting 90 minutes of your time. I can't completely recommend it. If there is nothing on TV and you're looking to put a quick movie on, you could watch this. Depending on your taste in disaster flicks, you could completely hate this movie, or just think of it as satisfactory. 

To purchase Super Cyclone, click on the above picture.

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