Friday, August 8, 2014

Airplane vs. Volcano (2014)

"Airplane vs. Volcano" is brought to you by the amazing folks over at The Asylum studios.
This movie starts off with two Vulcanologists studying a ring of volcanoes. The volcanoes begin to erupt and one of the Vulcanologists dies while trying to escape.
Meanwhile, a commercial airplane carrying well over 100 passengers gets stuck in the erupting ring of volcanoes. The two pilots flying the plane are killed after the plane experiences severe turbulence. A man named Rick (played by Dean Cain) tries to take control of the plane. He is joined by a stewardess, an air Marshall, and a colleague of the Vulcanologists (the two from the beginning of the movie). The surviving member of the Vulcanologist team is at a military base assisting everyone in planning evacuations and courses of action. When they learn about the commercial airliner being stuck in the ring of volcanoes, they try to figure out a way assist them, much to the chagrin of their boss.

The folks aboard the airplane try working together to avoid tragedy, but not all of them are seeing eye-to-eye. Can they get to safety before the volcanoes kill them, or they kill each other?

My Review:
If you haven't already noticed, I'm a huge fan of Asylum movies. Many of the movies I review are Asylum movies, and I will continue to add Asylum movies to this blog. Sure, I encounter movies from Asylum that absolutely stink, but this movie wasn't one of them.
This movie kept me on the edge of my seat! It was non-stop action, with a hint of gore. The special effects were pretty good for a movie that wasn't a blockbuster. The acting was pretty good as well.

Would I recommend this movie to my readers? Absolutely! If you love disaster movies that keep you on the edge of your seat, you will LOVE "Airplane vs. Volcano."

This movie also stars Robin Givens, Tamara Goodwin, and Anthony Marks.
Check out the trailer here:

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Snowmaggedon (2011)
Normal is a small mountainous village in Alaska. On Christmas eve, a mysterious present is left on the doorstep of the town sheriff and his pilot wife. Their young son sees the present at the door and brings it into the house. When he unwraps the present, he sees that it’s a globe of the village. As he starts shaking the globe and winding it up, the village begins to experience strong earthquakes, fires, and underground spikes begin to wreak havoc on this tiny hamlet.

Could the snow globe be causing these natural disasters, or could it be something else entirely?

The movie stars: David Cubitt (of “10.5”) and Laura Harris ( of “Dead Like Me.”)


To purchase this movie, click on the photo. You will be redirected to Amazon.  

My Review:
What drew me to watch this movie was the synopsis. I found it to be intriguing and original. While watching the movie, I kept a close eye on camera techniques, special effects, and acting ability. I think the stars of the movie did a great job. The camera techniques were well done. The special effects were what you’d expect from a Sy-Fy original movie.
All in all, I definitely recommend this movie, especially if you’re looking for originality.

 (Photo credit: RapidMoviez)

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

100 Degrees Below Zero (2013)
 To purchase the movie, click on the photo.

"100 Degrees Below Zero" is one of the latest Sci-Fi disaster flicks released by The Asylum production company. They are best known for disaster movies, such as, "500mph Storm," and "Super Cyclone." (source:

100 Degrees Below Zero is a chiller of a movie. After a volcano in Iceland erupts, it sends an ash cloud into the atmosphere. The ash cloud collides with a "freak" storm, causing the climate to turn colder. Several volcanoes in Europe begin to erupt, and the continent is plagued with large earthquakes. The climate in Europe begins to deteriorate and temperatures nose dive to well below zero. Snow falls all over Europe, and ice cyclones destroy the Eiffel tower.
A man from America and his new wife are eager to reunite with his children in Paris. However, with conditions turning dangerous, the journey becomes a race against time. Will mother nature prevent this family from reuniting?
Those who know me know how much I love disaster movies. The storyline was consistent. However, the acting was sub par. At certain points of the movie, the acting was cringe-worthy. The camera was shaky. It almost gave you the feeling that 16 year old "Dawson Leery," from "Dawson's Creek," was filming it with his camcorder. Actually, he probably would have done a better job at filming the movie.

There weren't any "A-list" stars in the movie, but, if you like indie flicks, or made-for-tv movies, you may know who Jeff Fahey is. John-Rhys Davies also stars in the movie. If you are a seasoned Sci-Fi disaster movie fan like me, you may also recognize Sara Malakul Lane.

Anyways, if you can let the sub par acting and rookie filming mistakes slide, you might actually like the movie. Like I said, it was a pretty good storyline.

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Sunday, August 3, 2014

Ice Twisters (2009)
When a team of researchers begin testing a new program that would help them interfere with storm development, they believe that they are successful with making a connection with the storm. The celebration turns to terror when a large, violent storm begins to develop. More storms begin to develop, and they begin spawning tornadoes that spew ice.
Charlie, a former scientist turned author, experiences the storm. After he and his assistant narrowly escape death, Charlie theorizes that the storm was caused by the UAVs that the research team released into the storm.

With the help of scientists and researchers, Charlie comes up with a plan to use a satellite that would make a hole in the ozone layer. This hole would help extinguish the storms.
Will this plan work? Or is Earth doomed?

The movie stars: Ryan Kennedy (of “Poison Ivy: The Secret Society.”)

My Review:
Despite the story line being completely absurd, I enjoyed the special effects. The actors did a satisfactory job. The movie was fairly entertaining. Oh, in case you are wondering, UAV stands for unmanned aerial vehicle. it's a fancy way of saying "drone."

To purchase the movie, click on the above photo.

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Saturday, August 2, 2014

Earth's Final Hours (2011)
Earth's Final Hours is a movie that I had seen about a year ago, but never finished. I decided to rent it from Netflix and review it for this blog.

The movie starts off with a scientist and his assistant doing research in a field. An FBI agent comes by to see what is going on. Suddenly a meteor crashes down from space and kills the scientist.
As if the FBI agent's day wasn't crazy enough, his son, who is computer savvy, just got arrested for hacking into the city hall system and stealing city money to pay off debts for his elderly neighbor (she was about to be evicted).

Earth gets hit by another storm and scientists find out that the meteor was from a white hole. The white hole has almost the same density as a neutron star. The storm begins to destabilize earth's magnetic core, causing all kinds of destruction, and halting its normal rotation.
The FBI agent teams up with a scientist to locate a man who knows how to stop the situation from getting worse. They find the man, and they go to a building with 2 satellites. The satellites have the power to fire an energy beam at the hole where the meteor passed through. The energy beam will help get the Earth back on its normal rotation.

The team experiences a lot of bumps along the road, but can they fire the beam in time before it's too late? You'll have to watch the movie in order to find out!

My review:
As someone who has seen several dozen disaster movies, this one was the most unrealistic and far-fetched. Of course these movies are going to be on the far-fetched side, but this one was extremely far-fetched. The special effects weren't the best I've ever seen, but they weren't the worst. The acting wasn't bad. There were a lot of unknowns in this movie. The only person I recognized in this movie was Bruce Davidson (he played Rothman). He did a fantastic job in this movie. If you're familiar with him, he is a decent actor.

I do recommend this movie to my readers. It's an okay movie. I've definitely seen better, but I've also seen A LOT worse.

If you're interested in purchasing the movie, click on the above photo. Amazon always has great deals on disaster movies! This movie is available on DVD and Blu-ray.

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Thursday, July 31, 2014

Judgment Day (1999)
I went through a lot to get this movie from Netflix, so when I saw it in my mailbox this afternoon, I hoped that it would be good.

Before I get to my review of the movie, here is a synopsis of what this movie is all about:
The movie is about an asteroid that is heading toward Earth. The only man that knows how to destroy the 14 mile wide behemoth, Dr. David Corbett, was just kidnapped by a group of Christian cultists. There are only a couple of days until the asteroid destroys Earth, and NASA is desperate to find this man. They enlist the help of an FBI agent (Jeanine Tyrell) to release a man from prison (Matthew Reese), who may hold the key of the whereabouts of Dr. Corbett. Reese has bad blood with the Christian cult and has a score to settle, so he joins in on the search for Dr. Corbett.
Together, Tyrell and Reese track down the whereabouts of Corbett and doesn't let ANYONE or ANYTHING stand in their way.

After all, time isn't in their favor.
Can they find Dr. Corbett in time to save Earth from destruction? You'll have to see the movie in order to find out!

This movie stars Ice-T, Coolio, Suzy Amis, Mario Van Peebles and Linden Ashby.

My review:
This movie wasn't exactly what I expected. Usually when I watch a sci-fi disaster movie, I expect a lot of destruction and carnage. This movie did not deliver any of that. In fact, the asteroid didn't really make much of an appearance, except for the beginning and end. The meat of the movie was about finding Dr. Corbett.
Despite the lack of what I love about disaster flicks, I still found the movie to be enjoyable. Ice-T and Suzy Amis had amazing on-screen chemistry and were hilarious working together.
Watching Ice-T's character being released from prison and being on the outside was entertaining. He ran into some people he knew and asked for information about the cult (so he could find Dr. Corbett). His antics where hilarious.

At first, I thought this was going to be a faith-based film, and that's okay, since there are some disaster flicks that are faith based (I will be reviewing those soon). But, this was nowhere near being faith-based. A lot of strong language and violence.

The acting was decent. The camera work was satisfactory. The special effects were terrible, especially scenes involving the asteroid.

I do recommend this movie. It is funny, entertaining, and it will keep your interest. It isn't as much a disaster flick, as it is an action movie.

To purchase this movie, click on the above photo. 

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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Quantum Apocalypse (2010)
Today, a copy of Quantum Apocalypse arrived in my mailbox, and I decided to take a look to see if this movie was any good.

The movie starts off with Dr. Rhodes discovering that a comet has went off course (due to an anomaly) and has hit Mars. Now the comet is on a collision course with Earth, along with some of the debris from Mars.
A crackpot science team which includes: Tom, Trish, and Dr. Sadoughian must work fast to find a way to stop the comet from destroying Earth.
Meanwhile, at Mayor Ben Marshall's house, it's business as usual. His autistic brother Terry is making pancakes from scratch for his niece. The Mayor's son gets a ride to school from his father and drops him off in front of the school. The anomaly begins to cause weather disasters across the globe. Earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis, and more wreak havoc and kill millions. Terry had been talking to a friend of his online about the anomaly and has been tracking everything. He believes he knows how to stop the comet and the anomaly from destroying Earth. However, he needs to get to the Space Center in Houston.

Can Terry get to Houston in time to help the scientists save Earth from ultimate destruction? You will have to watch the movie in order to find out.

My review:
I love a good comet-heading-toward-Earth movie. The special effects in this movie were okay. The camera working was pretty fluid, especially for the budget that they had (I believe it was around $2 million). As far as the acting is concerned, the only name that I recognized was Rhett Giles, who played Terry Marshell, Ben Marshall's autistic brother. He did an amazing job in this movie. Most of the actors in this movie did a great job.
Would I recommend this movie? Sure.
Keep in mind that this is just a movie. This type of anomaly can't happen in real life. I've read reviews about these kinds of movies where viewers talk about how unrealistic this genre is. Well, for the most part it is unrealistic. If you know your science and astronomy, you know what could happen, and what could never happen.

So, if you are subscribed to the Netflix DVD program, add this movie to your queue, pop some popcorn, and enjoy!

Amazon has this movie at a really good price! To check it out, click on the above picture.

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